
A picture says more than a thousand words. Your music is a whole world on its own, but today's people got used to consuming music with more than just one sense. They want to see your technique, your face, your emotions. Engage your audience more with an image film or a concert recording.

Our Services

Image film

Anything you need from personalized image films, orchestra and festival films to promotional recordings.

Image film is perfect for you if you work in the music industry, wanting to introduce an upcoming music project, or promote a music festival or band.

Documentary film

To show the true colors of your story.

Promotional videos might have a great impact in the short run, but documentaries can unveil inspiring stories that would not be told otherwise.

Our 4,6K cinema cameras, complete with color grading in the post-production phase, can reveal your story's true colors.

We create a personalized film archive for everyone we have worked with, as we store every shot taken throughout the years, including image films, concert recordings, and playback sessions. If you decide later to turn your past videos into a visual story of memories, we will create your custom made documentary! Note that we usually keep our video files for ten years, but we are happy to store them further on request. We take a holistic approach to film, viewing old-time footage as a base for something new.

Concert filming

With a well-organized team responsible for filming, audio recording, and post-production. All in one.

To broaden our horizons when it comes to editing, we use seven 4,6K cameras to record live music concerts, and provide multi-channel audio recording (up to 24 channels).

Video projection

Live performances in a whole new light. Get to the next level with one-of-a-kind visuals.

Give your music concert a facelift by projecting custom-made video footage in the background. The video creates a perfect harmony with the sound while serving as a complementary story or abstract visual element of your performance. Video projections can range from figurative to graphic; the choice is yours.

Playback session

A highly efficient way of capturing the grasp of music performances.

A playback session requires a pre-recorded audio, so that we can film at any preferred location, regardless of its acoustics. Instead of recording a live music performance with a number of cameras, we shoot multiple takes while the musician or band plays along with the audio playback. Playback sessions give us more freedom in terms of customized editing.

Other Services

Let us know what kind of visual communication you have in mind, and we will do our best to help you.

Why us?

Long-time Partnership

We archive everything for 12 years. Start building your archive with us, so in case of a longer documentary there will be material about you whenever you need it.

One Team

We take care of your concert recording in film and audio as well. This saves you time and money, also makes the whole process hussle-free.

Attention To Details

We don't make videos; we make films. Feature film-like color grading and skin retouching –  that is why our films look so splendid.